Top 3 Areas Companies Are Investing In

June 21, 2012

Mobile, Cloud, business intelligenceLast week at the Mobile Money Forum (, Kevin Conway, Global Director of Consumer Brands at Savvis (a company that creates solutions for media, government, financial, software, retail, and carriers) highlighted three key areas their customers are spending money on this year:

  1. Mobile
  2. Business Intelligence
  3. Cloud

Mr. Conway accentuated the need for one single person to own the mobile strategy in a company. That individual needs to be responsible for how mobile integrates into everything else.

I would say the same applies to business intelligence and cloud services.  Having one person overseeing the strategy in each of these areas allows for:

  • Learning from one project to another;
  • Reduction of duplicate work and resources;
  • Ensuring the technologies are being used to their full potential; and
  • Overall cohesiveness.

There are plenty of opportunities for innovation in each department or group while implementing the strategy and bringing forth ideas to the person in charge of the strategy.

Is your company investing in mobile, business intelligence and cloud this year?

Are there single owners identified within your company for mobile, business intelligence, or cloud strategies?