Innovation in Broadcasting Internationally

February 12, 2013

Flag of Turkey.

Flag of Turkey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This past week I was watching a Turkish television show online.  The Turkish broadcasting industry has done a fantastic job of creating shows with high production quality that other Middle Eastern countries purchase and syndicate.  The lifestyle, the family challenges, family values and styles are intriguing to the other countries as well.

I was looking at a new show that I hadn’t heard of before so I started watching it. Within 10 minutes I couldn’t kick the feeling that the show was extremely familiar. In fact, I had been watching this show’s American production for almost two years and it was just starting up in Turkey. The American name of the show is Revenge.

There are a number of similarities in the shows, including the closeness in the appearance of some of the characters and mannerisms, beautiful homes and outfits and plenty of suspense. However, there are a number of adaptions to make the show Turkish and attractive to the Middle Eastern culture. There are enough differences that I am now addicted to both versions of the show.

At first I was disappointed that the show was a replica of an existing show but once I watched it more I realized the differences made the production innovative. There are a number of American productions that have been adapted from other countries and it is nice to see it happening the other way around as well.  I am looking forward to seeing if the shows diverge in the coming seasons.