Enhancing Services with User Feedback: A Path to Reframing Customer Problems

April 8, 2024

Traditionally, the public sector has operated with a top-down approach, delivering services based on assumed needs rather than direct feedback from customers. However, in the age of digital connectivity and increasing expectations, this environment has shifted. By harnessing the power of incorporating user feedback during a project’s life cycle, public sector organizations can not only address immediate concerns but also reframe problems to provide more effective and tailored solutions. 

Benefits of Incorporating User Feedback

As a public sector professional, it is absolutely possible to leverage users’ opinions, suggestions, and complaints gathered through various channels – such as surveys, social media, and direct interactions – to reframe user problems towards successful solution implementation. By systematically collecting and analyzing these data, you can identify recurring themes and prioritize areas for improvement.

Let’s look to the private sector for an example. Ubiquitous global leader in e-commerce, Amazon, has mastered the art of leveraging user feedback to reframe problems and drive innovation thanks to its robust customer review system, which collects millions of opinions from customers. One notable example is Amazon’s approach to product packaging. Initially, customers expressed concerns about overly excessive packaging, leading to environmental waste and general inconvenience.

In response, Amazon introduced “Frustration-Free Packaging,” which reduced waste and enhanced the unboxing experience (Wright, 2021). By reframing the problem from merely reducing packaging to improving sustainability and UX, Amazon not only addressed customer concerns, but also positioned itself as a leader in environmentally conscious retail practices.

By actively soliciting and incorporating feedback into decision-making processes, organizations – private sector or public, small or large – can identify underlying causes, anticipate future needs, and innovate more effectively in:

  1. Enhanced Service Delivery. By aligning services with users’ needs and preferences, public sector organizations can deliver more tailored and effective solutions.
  2. Improved User Satisfaction. Addressing concerns in a timely and proactive manner fosters trust and satisfaction among users, strengthening the relationship between government and the public.
  3. Innovation and Continuous Improvement. Customer feedback serves as a catalyst for innovation, inspiring agencies to explore new approaches and technologies to better serve their constituents.
Practical Application in the Public Sector

Spring2 Innovation has extensive experience taking both qualitative and quantitative data regarding users and producing personas, empathy maps, and journey maps to help guide decision-making during the innovation process. The Deeper Clarity methods use these tools to ensure that the solution that your team is designing for resonates with real users of your solution. This method helps teams bypass their initial assumptions about solving problems but taking a deep-dive into who are the users you are solving for.

Say for example that a city wants to improve its public transportation system, as the city has received numerous complaints from residents about unreliability, long wait times at bus stops, and discomfort during peak hours. They opt to collect feedback from transport users through several methods: focus groups, online surveys, and via the city’s website.

The outputs of these initiatives are then processed into 2-3 fictional profiles of real transit users. The city can then see that elderly folks and students are the most frequent users of transit, and are then able to look more closely at these demographics to tailor a solution towards their needs, instead of relying on their assumptions of what they presume these user groups need. 

Perhaps the empathy maps for these personas revealed that users are “feeling stressed,” that they won’t make the time of their doctor’s appointment, or their upcoming exam. The city’s team can then focus on improvement of bus schedules confidently, knowing that their resources and efforts are based in users’ true needs.

Depending on how much time and resources allocated towards developing personas, you can synthesize journey maps for each persona to fully understand each step the user takes during their transit journey. The more you understand from the user’s perspective, the better you can address their true challenges, instead of relying on your initial assumptions about what they would like to see as a solution.

Getting Started with User-Centered Innovation

In large organizations, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Spring2 Innovation can help you get the ball rolling with our vast expertise in both public sector and private sector innovation and project management using the Deeper Clarity method. Contact us today for your next initiative at info@spring2innovation.com.


Wright, J. (2021, October 5). What is Amazon frustration free packaging?. Seller Labs: Amazon Seller Software and Platform. https://www.sellerlabs.com/blog/what-is-frustration-free-packaging/ 



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